Where I’ve Been

I know I have not been the most consistent when it comes to posting over here but this time around I have an actual reason. Its ironic that the name of this blog is Lost in the world because for the past 10 months that’s exactly what I’ve been. And there’s no amazing grace over here as I am still not found.

My mom passed away in June last year and to say my whole world shattered is the understatement of the century. I’m still trying to figure out who I am without her, I think I spent the majority of my life just being her daughter I’m not sure who I am without her. I am lost!

I woke up missing her like crazy this morning and instead of the usual staring at pictures of her and listening to her voice notes I decided to write this post. I’ll most likely still do those things after posting this though.

My mother was my everything and probably the best person I will ever meet. She literally lit up every room she walked into, the darkness I’ve been in is unimaginable. I’m basically taking it one day at a time but I’m missing a huge chunk of my heart so even that one day at a time is hard to do. April is my mother’s birth month, so I find myself thinking of her even more.

This is proof of life post really to say I am still around I’m grieving my mother.

I’m writing this post to express my feelings I suppose. I’m in therapy now can you tell?

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